Juvare Healthcare Solutions are in use at over 3,500 hospitals and health systems and 30,000 healthcare facilities nationwide, helping to ensure the safety of patients and staff. Juvare helps hospitals manage emergencies and mass casualty incidents, track patients and medical surge, provide pre-hospital notifications, mitigate accreditation risk and improve financial performance.
Hospitals rely on Juvare Healthcare Solutions for planning and responding to incidents of all types and according to emergency preparedness requirements established by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Juvare provides real-time situational awareness that helps ensure the safety and security of first responders, staff, patients and local communities.
Prepare for patient arrival with pre-hospital notifications that enable EMS to alert hospitals in advance, helping plan ahead for patients requiring specialized healthcare. Part of the Juvare EMTrack solution, the alerts also help appropriate staff reserve treatment rooms and mobilize resources, reducing time to intervention and resulting in improved health outcomes.
Exchange information with multiple healthcare systems and collaborate more effectively using Juvare’s Coordinated Response, an innovative add-on feature of eICS. Each facility can see consolidated incident views improving situational awareness, fulfilling resource needs more quickly and improving operational and business continuity.
Juvare Health Solutions help with communication, documentation, managing teams, and more during mass casualty incidents (MCIs). EMTrack mobile provides vital patient tracking, on location in an emergency, to securely enter and share information about patients needing medical attention. EMResource mobile provides emergency department status, medical supply availability and more.
eICS provides the evidence healthcare organizations need to comply with regulatory and accrediting agencies through The Joint Commission (TJC) and Det Norske Veritas (DNV), among others. Hospitals demonstrate to on-site surveyors their ability to properly manage standards and ensure communication and documentation compliance throughout the organization.
Use real-time incident notifications during an event or emergency to alert people instantly, gather their availability and make informed deployment decisions. Deliver reliable tactical alerts and automated notifications via voice, text and email to ensure messages reach intended recipients.
Learn how you can prepare for the unexpected with these 5 useful emergency preparedness tips.
Healthcare Emergency Resource Management – Powered by Juvare Exchange
Track healthcare resources, availability and facility operations status with EMResource, an emergency resource management system designed for healthcare providers and first responders, giving comprehensive views of local, state and regional resources.
Built from the ground-up on the Juvare platform for emergency preparedness and response assets. Integrated healthcare supply chain management and public health workflows for management of medical supplies in daily operations, emergency situation response, and Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) and Medical Countermeasures (MCM) operations.
Over 3,500 facilities and 4,300 mobile providers rely on EMTrack. Capture data online, offline and via mobile across multiple organizations, for highly effective tracking of patients, evacuees and general population movement during a critical event, crisis, large scale public event or daily patient transports. EMTrack integrates easily with related technologies and operates optimally in austere environments in real time.
Health Alert Network
High-volume mass notifications and alerts anytime, anywhere. Get notifications to intended audiences fast with this highly configurable health alert network.
Vaccination Management System – Powered by EMTrack
Electronic Incident Command System – Powered by Juvare Exchange
Plan for, respond to and recover from incidents with an out-of the-box framework for all-scale events with a robust toolkit for customization.
Launch critical communications instantly and keep stakeholders informed during an event. Notify individuals, teams and groups, gathering their availability and making informed deployment decisions. Deliver reliable tactical alerts and notifications via voice, text and email.
Emergency Management Technology – Powered by Juvare Exchange
Prepare for and respond to emergencies with the world’s most widely-used, battle-tested incident management technology in the industry.
WebEOC scales for customers of any size, with bi-directional data sharing and common workflows which leads to greater collaboration, resulting in faster response and recovery, and more resilient corporations.