Juvare Video Transforming Disaster Recovery with Crisis Track The video...Read More
Disaster Management Software
Crisis Track is award-winning damage assessment software designed to rapidly and accurately collect damage assessments for FEMA’s disaster declaration process. Now part of the Juvare suite of solutions, Crisis Track has a standard, supported, integration with WebEOC®, enabling near real-time data sharing.
Crisis Track processes and maintains infrastructure data before a disaster even happens. This solution collects and loads the dimensions and replacement costs for buildings, public utilities, bridges and culverts, and electric utility assets, and then uses this data to pre-populate web and mobile-based damage assessment forms with accurate data – making damage assessment much easier for your field teams.
Crisis Track is a comprehensive software solution tailored for local and state governments to effectively track and manage disaster events in real time. Initially developed for smaller jurisdictions, it has expanded its capabilities to support larger cities, counties, and even states. The software streamlines the process, allowing governments to efficiently report and manage their events without the need for extensive manpower. Ultimately, Crisis Track serves all levels of government seeking to enhance their disaster management efforts.
What is Crisis Track, and what does it really do? Crisis Track is disaster management software built specifically for local and state governments that will help you identify the disaster costs and then complete that data onto the FEMA paperwork for you. I like to give us a a comparison to TurboTax for FEMA paperwork.
In times of crisis, receiving federal disaster assistance is critical for local jurisdictions and their constituents. To make sure they qualify, jurisdictions must rapidly collect and validate hundreds of damage assessments from eligible entities and present the results to FEMA on a case-by-case basis with detailed dimensions, descriptions, and repair estimates.
Conduct damage assessments on infrastructure using GIS or tax data in preparation for a disaster declaration.
Crisis Track’s Damage Assessment tier has everything you need to prepare for a declaration.
Crisis Track’s Damage Assessment tier has everything you need to prepare for a declaration.
This option includes the features of the other two tiers and expands to provide functionality for incident action planning, resource management, and situation reporting on emergency management incidents.
Plan evacuation surveys and issue reentry permits using your organization’s infrastructure location and property ownership data.
Promoting Interoperability
The Survivor Portal is a Crisis Track add-on that enables community members affected by disasters to directly submit information about property damage and personal needs through an organization’s own Survivor Portal website. This add-on expands the functionality of the Crisis Track Resident Self-Report feature. Both features allow the public to submit information about property damage, but the Survivor Portal also captures information about unmet needs, such as lack of food, medicine, or transportation. As recovery efforts evolve and survivor’s needs change, the Survivor Portal allows individuals to update their submissions. The information submitted by the public via the Survivor Portal website is tied to an incident and appears in Crisis Track as entries for that incident.
After a disaster, state and local emergency management officials focus damage assessment efforts on properties and infrastructure. Often, this approach can overlook the complex needs of the disaster survivor:
After a disaster, survivors want to know that authorities and disaster recovery agencies are addressing their needs. A method of collecting this information can ensure that local and state agencies can provide services when survivors need them the most.
See Crisis Track in Action: See how our user-friendly, role-specific configurable home pages make emergency management effortless. Watch the video to experience seamless and efficient workflows tailored for incident commanders, business continuity managers, and more.