To be fully prepared against increasingly severe business disruptors such as severe weather events, extended power outages, civil disturbances, cyber-attacks, IT failures, and criminal activities, retail chains and stores need to structure their overarching strategies so they can be implemented in a way that safeguards assets and inventory, optimizes resilience, and continues the execution of key priorities. Juvare’s WebEOC platform is designed to help retail stores and chains prepare for, respond to, and recover from any kind of critical incident, reducing the impact of operational disruptions, keeping employees and customers safe, and protecting brand reputation.
Using ISO 22301 and ISO 31000 as frameworks, WebEOC provides an off-the-shelf solution which enables organizations to collaboratively complete business impact analysis (BIA) and risk assessments (RA), create and store emergency plans for all hazards in a centralized location that is accessible by all stakeholders, and build mobile-friendly workflow that are easy to use, even for first-time users. Using WebEOC, organizations can ensure that emergency contacts and specific procedures for various scenarios are always up to date, ensuring that employees are prepared for the unexpected.
Retail chains need the ability to monitor location statuses and coordinate in real time with geographically dispersed offices, distribution centers, data centers, suppliers, and logistics, and even with external partners. WebEOC powers day-to-day readiness of enterprises with a comprehensive view of resource needs, including data sharing with external partners through Juvare Exchange and incorporation of asset tracking through IoT platforms using JX Connector. Integration with hazard intelligence providers such as WeatherOptics allow organizations to see all comprehensive data on a single pane of glass.
WebEOC’s data and process workflows—called WebEOC Boards—allow retailers to collect, analyze, and report on a wide variety of data from a single shared platform. The WebEOC SaaS subscription for retail stores and chains delivers 20+ off-the-shelf Boards ready for immediate implementation. Clients can modify these standard Boards as needed or develop their own Boards to address new use cases through Juvare’s low-code/no-code Juvare DesignStudio® workflow builder.
WebEOC for Business Continuity
The Business Continuity Management (BCM) Board is designed to help retailers plan and enact the processes required to keep critical functions operational when an emergency occurs. The Project Management Board assists users with day-to-day task execution, budget tracking, and time allocation, while the Facility Status Board offers both granular reports and high-level overviews regarding the operational conditions of individual retail locations. By helping retail stores and chains make data-driven decisions, WebEOC improves response quality, efficiency, and effectiveness while streamlining routine operations.