Juvare Case Study Juvare’s EMTrack Helps Improve Public Safety at...Read More
Emergency (EM) • Track
EMTrack is a highly configurable, web-based solution designed with a robust mobile integration to effectively track the movement of people and patients during episodic events such as: mass casualty incidents (MCIs), public health concerns, as well as natural and human-caused disasters.
Configurable forms allow you to adapt EMTrack to meet the needs of your organization. From performing electronic triage in MCIs to planning special event logistics, resolving public health emergencies or processing evacuations, collect the right information at the right time in your workflow.
EMTrack uses physical triage tags, barcoded bracelets and/or automatically generated tracking numbers to create records, while ensuring personal information is protected with HIPAA compliance. The purpose-built mobile interface encourages fast, effective collection of data with scenario-specific forms, driver license scanning and image capture options.
Customizable dashboards are seamlessly integrated and synchronized with data captured through web and mobile applications to keep stakeholders fully apprised of the situation in real-time. EMTrack has proven capable of simultaneously tracking thousands of patients in a secure and scalable manner.
Supporting both clinical and non-clinical scenarios, EMTrack uses a secure, common operating picture to provide advanced search and reporting capabilities, as well as superior situational awareness.
EMTrack facilitates actionable decision making and supports information sharing. Native integration to other health and safety tools, like WebEOCx, EMResource, hospital EMRs and EMS, optimize interagency cooperation.
EMTrack intrinsically meets regulatory requirements set forth by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid’s CoP and Emergency Preparedness Rule, The Joint Commission’s Emergency Management Standards and the Department of Health and Human Services’ 2017-2022 Health Care Preparedness and Response Capabilities.
Capture patient encounters at large-scale events, such as marathons, concerts and high-profile sporting events.
Ensure real-time data capture throughout all aspects of an evacuation process, including transportation, sheltering, and temporary housing, with EMTrack web-based and mobile applications data collection options.
Use the EMTrack search and filter tools to rapidly identify patient and evacuee locations and support family reunification operations
With the ability to create scenario-specific configurations, healthcare professionals leverage EMTrack to register flu and COVID-19 vaccine and testing recipients and capture prescreening/screening responses, demographics, and review immunization history to support rapid processing.
Meet all patient tracking needs with Juvare’s EMTrack single-source solution that includes all tracking components such as a browser-based online data repository, mobile data capture software and offline and real-time data transmission.